Abacus Kids


Behind MOTORETA is a young and enthusiastic team of professionals, ranging from engineers to graduate in fine arts, with Cristina Lopez-Lago and Maria Llerena leading this new brand. Both architect partners for years and closely linked to the world of graphic design, embark on this new creative project immersed in the evocative world of childhood.It’s been a couple of years, following the birth of their children, Cristina began to design and make their first models to shape those clothes she had in her mind and not come to find in any store, or if they were found the price was overwhelming ‘Thus, almost without realizing it, I began to venture into the world of children’s fashion: patternmaking courses, sewing, visiting fairs kidswear …. Motoreta was gradually taking shape to become a reality “says Cristina.The Motoreta’s concept is the result of a free creative process, inspired by cinema, literature, the world of tales and art, without neglecting its commitment to production processes registered in the stream called “Slow Fashion Movement”. A small-scale brand that, against the low-quality of mass production processes, bets for clothes locally and sustainably produced, choosing quality raw materials and enhancing the small local market but with a global distribution . An example of how a local manufacturing can go together with international design and quality.In this first collection “Spring-Summer 2014_AT HOME”, wrapped in a neat graphic image, they present a declaration of intent in which fabrics, geometric patterns and stylish combination of colors are the protagonists. Garments and accessories for kids, very comfortable, contemporary cutting, high quality and 100% made ​​in Andalusia.MOTORETA represents the opportunity, in short, to undertake a delicate project, own and craft, from the heart of Seville: Made in Spain – Made at Home.

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